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Медицинские науки
Useful and dietary characteristics of the bean based on medical evidence
Markov P. 1, Markov D. 2, Vodenicharova A. 3

1. Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria
2. Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Medical University-Sofia, Bulgaria


Problem: for many centuries legumes occupy an important place in the diet of the population of our planet. For the population of Bulgaria beans are a symbol of food for survival during the period of poor historical times, neglect in the period of material growth and "rehabilitation" - in our time, based on scientific data. The aim of this work is the creation of a practically oriented analysis and evaluation is useful and dietary properties of legumes on the basis of medical evidence. Used documentary and sociological methods. The results indicate that legumes have been successfully used in modern therapy persons in: hyperlipoproteinemias (due to the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and phospholipids); atherosclerosis (due to the hypocholesterolemic action); ischemic heart disease; obesity (due to high fiber content and satiating effect); diabetes type II (due to low glycemic index); vegetarian diet (as a good source of vegetable protein); anaemia (iron, vitamin B12); in convalescence after debilitating disease (antioxidants); for injuries and burns. It is concluded that on the basis of medical evidence, mission doctors, physiotherapists and specialists of the diet is the inclusion of different types of beans in the preparation of individual dietoterapija modes and to raise awareness among people about the health and dietary qualities of legumes as a personal right of the individual to make their individual and informed choices.

Keywords: legumes, medical certificate, useful features, dietary quality, nutritional therapy, chronic non-communicable diseases

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