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Медицинские науки
Fora and its bacterial resistance to antibiotics in postpartum endometritis
Garnizov T. 1, Nikolov A. 2, Zlatkov V. 3

1. University hospital "Mother House ", Sofia, Bulgaria
2. University hospital "Mother House", Sofia, Bulgaria
3. Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria


100 women with clinical signs of postpartum endometritis, of which 70 after vaginal birth and belong to the first group, and 30 gave birth by caesarean section and belong to the second group, from the second to the eighth day after birth, swabs taken from lochia for bacteriological examination. Of the bacteria isolated most frequently in both groups meet Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Staphilococcus epidermidis. In patients of the second group are isolated and anaerobic bacteria Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., Enterobacter aerogenes, which are not isolated among women of the first group. The most frequently isolated bacteria have a substantial degree of resistance to certain antibiotics.

Keywords: postpartum endometritis, bacterial flora, the antibiotic resistance.

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