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Медицинские науки
Drum therapy: an effective method to help the social and medical activities
Mihailova T. 1, Garov S. 2

1. Medical University – Sofia.
2. Medical University – Sofia, Bulgaria


Drum therapy is an ancient approach that uses the rhythm as a preventive, prophylactic and therapeutic tool, using the self-expression. The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the drumming therapeutic techniques. Drum therapy stimulates the immune system, generates a feeling of well-being and leads to release of the emotional trauma. The therapeutic effect of this method has been found with different patients, including Alzheimer´s patients, autistic children, teens with impaired emotional state recovering from addictions, trauma patients, prisoners, homeless people, etc. Drum therapy is a valuable therapy for treatment of stress, fatigue, anxiety, hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illnesses, migraine, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson´s disease, paralysis, emotional disorders, and a variety of physical disabilities.

Keywords: rhythm; drum therapy; social and medical activities

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