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Биологические науки
Biometrics vines and the prospects of their application in landscaping of city territories of the Volga region
Kalmykova A. L. 1, Tereshkin A. V. 2

1. Saratov state agrarian University. N. I. Vavilov
2. Saratov state agricultural UNIVERSITY. N. I. Vavilov


The article presents the characteristics of growth and development, analysis of indicators of biomass, high-potential, the use efficiency of perennial and annual vines. To assess growth and development and success of using plants in urban environments, a comparison of biometric indices of lianas in natural habitats with indicators in urban areas of the Saratov and Syzran. Recommendations on the rational use of woody and herbaceous vines for vertical gardening the various urban infrastructure. Proposed to include in the classification of the vines in groups of usage group of the vines, landing which can be used as a ground cover. Given the factors limiting the use of vines in the green space.

Keywords: landscaping, vines, biometric indicators

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