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Cosmos impact-factor

Технические науки
Fundamentals of GIS in the development of wind energy in Turkmenistan
Penjiyev A. M. 1

1. Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction (Ashabad, Turkmenistan)


In article it is considered geoinformation systems (GIS) and creation geoinformation technologies (GIТ) which allow operatively and to analyze in detail on the basis of the available geographically adhered information various alternative variants for carrying out of an estimation of consequences of variants of designing of installations in this or that area ветроэнергетики c the purposes of maintenance of a sustainable development of region. In special it concerns power objects and the systems, using windenergy sources (ветроэнергоисточники) in connection with their high spatial both time non-uniformity and variability. According to the standing problems defining necessary settlement parametres, also there are requirements to initial fiziko-geographical, prirodno-climatic, metrological, ветроэнергетического resources and the information energo-ekopotentsiala, database GIS necessary for creation. Estimations wind energy resources (ветроэнергоресурсов) and its distributions on territory it is complicated by limitation of volume energy potential (энергопотенциала) on time and in space. By means of GIS it is possible to solve power, economic, ecological, social questions and possibilities of softening of change of a climate on a basis windenergy potential (ветрэнергетических) installations, and their resources, ecological benefits, the purposes and problems on scientifically-methodical bases in area ветроэнергетики for realisation of government programs of Turkmenistan of power supply of region. On the basis of GIS technologies the card wind energy resources (ветроэнергеических) and ecological potentials on territories of Turkmenistan is made.

Keywords: renewed power, windenergy resources (ветроэнергетика), geoinformation systems, technological, ecoenergy (экоэненргетика), ecology, ecobusiness (экобизнес), Turkmenistan.

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